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Former Chelsea coach reveals Ronaldo’s preferred position




Former Chelsea and now Lazio manager Maurizio Sarri in a recent statement, has claimed Man Utd star and Portugal international Cristiano Ronaldo doesn’t want to play as a striker at Old Trafford.

Since leaving Juventus in the summer, where Sarri once coached him, Ronaldo has had a disappointing Premier League season as he only has one goal in his last ten games for the Red Devils.

Sarri has now revealed Ronaldo’s issue with being the main striker at Juventus, having spent most of his time as a free-roaming winger at Real Madrid.

“Cristiano scored more Serie A goals in his season with me than any other,” Sarri told Sky Italia.

“He was prepared to play centre-forward in a few games when we had an emergency situation, but he didn’t much like the idea of doing it regularly.

“In those situations, you end up challenging the certainties that the player has. Ronaldo scored 35-40 goals per season by starting from that wider position, so for him, it was an almost absurd request. That’s understandable for the way he plays,” he added.

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