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Arteta says Arsenal’s UCL qualification will be a game changer




Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta in a statement, has said their qualification for the UCL next season would be a big changer.

The Gunners, who are seated outside the top four, are hopeful of making it to the spot despite three losses.

Arsenal on Wednesday will return to action in the EPL, where they will face Chelsea.

The North London club are looking to play again in the Champions League for the first time since 2016/2017.

Arteta told ESPN: “Champions League brings the club much closer to where we want, to play in a competition that has a huge history in relation to our club.

“Secondly, obviously it improves every situation with the sponsor, financially, expectations, the capacity to grow our players and expose them into a different dimension of competition and this is where we want to be.

“It is a game changer. The Champions League pushes you there with the best teams in Europe and we definitely want to be there.”

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