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Arsenal playmaker holds talks over ‘£200,000-a-week pay cut’ ahead of transfer




Arsenal might be going through a tough phase on the pitch but that has not stopped them from reportedly holding talks with the playmaker, Mesut Ozil over his future.

Mesut Ozil’s future at Arsenal has been under the spotlight for the past season as he has not been in and out of the team ever since Mikel Arteta stepped in as the new manager some months ago.

With Arsenal currently going through their worst start to the season in the club history, there have been reports that Mesut Ozil would be leaving the club after falling apart with the club board.

Mesut Ozil has now reportedly held talks with the top hierarchy at the club over a move to Fenerbahce which would see him take a pay cut of around £200,000-a-week.

The Germany international currently earn £350,000-a-week wages at the Emirates and according to Bild, Ozil has been involved in covert talks with the Turkish giants in London over a deal in the region of £150,000-a-week.

However, any deal is unlikely to take place when the transfer window opens next month, instead of happening in the summer.

Mesut Ozil has been showing interest in helping Arsenal scape through this tough time but there are no chances that he will be recalled to the team.

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