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Solskjaer speaks on Man Utd penalty taker between Ronalo and Fernandes




The arrival of Cristiano Ronaldo at Old Trafford had generated questions on who would be the new penalty take between the former Juventus striker and his compatriot, Bruno Fernandes.

Before the arrival of Ronaldo, Fernandes was the Red Devils penalty taker and has been good at taking it; with Ronaldo now present in the team, many have wondered if coach Ole Solskjaer will name the Portuguese striker the new penalty taker or maintain the status quo.

While Ole didn’t reveal who would be penalty taker, he, however, revealed it will be based on his decision.

Ole in a press conference on Friday revealed he knew that question was going to come and of course he had a chat with the two of them.

“We’ve got two players there that I’d trust with my life to put a penalty away and that’s a great position got be in.

“It’s going be my decision what’ll happen. The two of them will keep on doing what they do when they’re asked to take the penalties,” Ole said.

The Red Devils coach said he had had the conversation with the two players and they know his position on it.


“They know that I decide who is going to shoot the penalty if we get one. That’s not going to cause an issue,” Ole added.

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