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Tuchel hails Pulisic’s form against West Ham




Chelsea manager Thomas Tuchel has hailed the Blues striker and American star Christian Pulisic for his impressive form against West Ham United on Sunday.

Chelsea and West Ham went head to head in the Premier League, with Hammers putting up a strong defence before Pulisic managed to score the lone and winning goal for the Blues.

In a post-match statement, Chelsea manager Thomas Tuchel revealed why Pulisic had not started for the Blues in recent time.

Tuchel said, “If you asked him, he would say it was not a good idea. It is like this, especially with the strikers. He had a period when he was on a run, had the confidence, was heavily involved upfront and Timo (Werner) had to wait for many, many weeks. Now things turned around a little bit from the Southampton game.

“Puli struggled a little bit since coming back from the international break where he had three matches, an incredible amount of joineries and timezones to cope with. From there, he struggled energy-wise. This was my impression, on and off the pitch. It’s sometimes like this.

“Now we have tried to bring him back in full confidence from the bench, and I am happy with the effort today, and I am happy he had the chance to have this big impact with Romelu and Hakim. It was super important.”

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