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Spanish giant reportedly have pre-agreement deal with Chelsea top target




Chelsea’s hope of signing Erling Haaland from Borussia Dortmund has hit a big blow as he reportedly has a pre-agreement with Real Madrid over a transfer in the summer of 2022.

Haaland has become one of Europe’s best strikers, and his consistency has seen him linked with top clubs like Paris Saint-Germain, Manchester City and Real Madrid.

Chelsea have also been linked with the 20-year-old as Roman Abrahimovic is ready to give the club fund that will ensure he’s signed this summer.

However, that might not be possible as a report from Italian journalist Rudy Galetti claimed Haaland already has a ‘pre-deal with Real Madrid to join them in the summer of 2022.

The information provided by Galetti means Haaland might stay put at Dortmund this season and eventually leave for Real Madrid next summer.

Haaland has taken his game up a notch since signing for Borussia Dortmund in January last year.

The Norway international now has 57 goals in 59 games, of which 41 came in the 2020/21 campaign, a move that saw him ranked among the best in Europe.

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