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Chelsea have no excuse not to finish in the top four – Conte gives reasons




Tottenham Hotspur manager, Antonio Conte, in a recent statement has compared his side to Chelsea and Man Utd.

Conte insisted Tottenham still have a long way to go, but Chelsea and Manchester United don’t have excuses not to finish in the top four.

Conte during his Tuesday press conference was asked if there was an opening for Spurs this season because Chelsea and United are clubs in transition.

The Italian in his response pointed out that both rivals spent big money and enjoyed recent success, so they should be seen as title contenders.

Conte said: “I am surprised you are asking about Man United and Chelsea being in transition. Chelsea are in transition after they won the Champions League two years ago and last season they won the Club World Cup. United two years ago finished second.

“If these clubs that can invest a lot of money are in transition, I don’t know who are the title contenders? Maybe we have a different vision. It’s good to have different opinions.

“Last November we were ninth. We were playing in the Conference League. And you think United and Chelsea are in transition? With Ronaldo, Varane, Sancho, in transition? I hope to be in transition this way. I hope so.


“I have been here for 11 months. You can change the coach but when you arrive and you find a group of players that won the Champions League two years ago, last season the World Cup for teams, maybe you find an important squad with players that won a lot.”

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