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Manchester United

Ole to sign new contract with Man Utd worth £9 million




Manchester United coach, Ole Gunner Solskjaer seems to have bought the club’s top hierarchy to himself even though he is yet to win a trophy since taking over.

However, it looks like the Man Utd board are glad about the good works and improvement in the Red Devils squad under Ole.

As proof, a new report has revealed that Ole would sign a new deal with Man Utd.

According to Mirror UK, the deal also comes with an upward review of his payment.

Under his current 3-year deal which will come to an end this month, Ole has been earning £7 million, however, the new deal will see him earn £9 million which is a symbol that the club board want him to remain at Old Trafford.




The report revealed that the talk of a new contract for the Norwegian has been on even before United’s 2-0 win over Manchester City last weekend.

Re that United’s executive vice-chairman, Ed Woodward publicly praised the steps made under Solskjaer to shareholders.

Further reports revealed that the club management are happy with an emphasis on emerging young talent and attacking football at Old Trafford.

The Red Devils are currently seated at the second spot behind Man City and still have the chance of winning the FA Cup and Europa League.

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