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Villarreal defender lands transfer blow on Man Utd




Manchester United may have to look elsewhere if they are determined to signs a new defender this summer.

This comes as Villarreal defender, Pau Torres in a latest statement declared that there is nothing connecting him with Manchester United or any other club at the moment but just rumours.

Torres, who is believed to be a long-term target for Man Utd, is insisting on ‘nothing at all’ in terms of developments in a potential move to Old Trafford.

The defender revealed that the only contract offer before him now is the one from his current club, Villarreal.

The 25-year-old defender has been linked with a move to Old Trafford for over a year, right from when Ole Gunnar Solskjaer was in charge.

He however said he is comfortable playing for the Spanish side.

“Right now there is nothing at all, there is talk of many things like every year,” Torres told Spanish publication AS, via the Daily Mail.


“I have peace of mind of being where they want me, at the club of my life and I have this offer right now that I value as very positive.

“There is nothing right now, the only thing I have is the offer from Villarreal, so I am very calm,” he said.

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