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UCL: One big mistake Tuchel made vs Lille




Chelsea manager Thomas Tuchel in a recent statement, has revealed one big mistake he made against French Club in the UCL on Tuesday night.

Although the Blues won the game with a 2-0 scoreline, they, however, had some injury woes to be worried about.

Tuchel, in his statement, blamed himself for the injury sustained by the midfielder, Mateo Kovacic, stressing that he should have brought the Croatian off earlier.

With the look of things, it is uncertain if Kovacic will be available when the Blues take on Liverpool on Sunday in the Carabao League final.

“I don’t know.

“I should have substituted Kova at half-time so we could have saved one more change,” Tuchel told reporters after the game.

Apart from Kovaci, Tuchel also has to be worried about Hakim Ziyech, who was brought off nine minutes after Kovacic during the match vs Lille.


As of now, there is no update on the two players.

Chelsea were able to defeat Lille thanks to goals from Kai Havertz and Christian Pulisic as Tuchel dropped Romelu Lukaku to the bench.

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