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Tuchel tells Abramovich what to expect after UCL trophy




Thomas Tuchel in a latest statement has assured Chelsea owner, Roman Abramovich on what to expect next season after he led the Blues to their second victory in the Uefa Champions League.

The Blues manager assured the Billionaire more trophy in the coming season and this has earned him a contract extension.

Recall that Abramovich in January handed Frank Lampard a sack letter after Chelsea dropped to the ninth spot under their former football star.

He went on to bring in Tuchel as a replacement.

Tuchel told the Blues’ official website in his message for Abramovich: “I can assure him that I will stay hungry.

“I want the next title and I feel absolutely happy, I feel part of a really ambitious club and a strong part of a strong group that suits my beliefs and suits my passion about football at the moment perfectly.

“So my desire is to go for more victories. My desire is to grow as a coach and my desire is to push the group on the first day of the next season to the limit.


“We have work to do. We have to close the gap and this is what I am all about.”

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