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Tuchel reveals why he didn’t talk to Jorginho after Italy was kicked out of the world cup




Chelsea manager Thomas Tuchel said he didn’t talk to Jorginho after Italy were kicked out of the world cup by North Macedonia.

Tuchel stressed that he didn’t know what to tell the Blues midfielder that would help him feel better after the hurt of seeing his country losing out.

This will be the second time Italy will miss out on the FIFA World Cup and it is uncertain Jorginho will be available for the next one.

Speaking ahead of Chelsea’s clash with Brentford this weekend, Tuchel said at his pre-match press conference: “To be very honest, I did not speak a lot with him [Jorginho] about that because what could I say to make his pain go away? Nothing.

“I think, like always, it’s our job to create an environment and atmosphere where the players feel welcome and safe, no matter what happens outside.

“He was very, very strong in training, I have to say. A very good response. He came in one day earlier than he needed to be.

“That’s why I had the feeling he loved to be back and be in this environment because it’s a positive environment.”

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