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Kovacic reveals part of Chelsea game plan vs Palmeiras




Chelsea midfielder and Croatia international Mateo Kovacic, in a latest statement, has revealed a part of the Blues game plan ahead of Saturday final vs Brazil side Palmeiras.

Kovacic, who won the man of the match during the Blues semi-final clash vs Al Hilal on Wednesday, stressed that the Blues would tap into the knowledge of Brazil players in their squad to play Palmeiras.

Kovacic said Chelsea need to do Saturday again a good job because Palmeiras have a great team with very good players.

The Croatian midfielder added that they are aggressive, with fantastic fans, so it will be a challenging game.

Kovacic confirmed part of that preparation would be to tap into the knowledge of the Blues players whose roots are in Brazilian football.

‘We have now two days to prepare, and for sure we will ask the advice of Jorginho, Thiago and Kenedy because they know them better than we know them, but we know that this will be a tough game. It’s a final and finals are always difficult games.

‘Thiago is one of the greatest defenders of his generation.’ he added. ‘He has won almost everything and he brought so much experience to Chelsea. We are glad and happy to have such a great player and great personality in our dressing room.


‘We know what it takes to come to such a big tournament because you need to win the Champions League, so we need to appreciate this moment and to not take it for granted.

‘We are desperate to win this trophy. We could be the first team in Chelsea history to bring this trophy to London so we are happy that we are in such a big final and we will do everything to win it on Saturday.’

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