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Chelsea boss discloses plan to challenge Liverpool for Premier League title next season




Frank Lampard is sure he recognizes what to change a top four side into one equipped for vieing for the trophy

Chelsea boss Frank Lampard has set out his desire to help Chelsea challenge for the Premier League.

The Blues had a definitive impact in finishing up the title race at Stamford Bridge on Thursday night, their hard-battled 2-1 win against Manchester City affirming Liverpool as Premier League champions.

Talking after the memorable game, Frank Lampard thought about how his side could win the Premier League crown for themselves next season by figuring out how to win the likes of Manchester City.

He conceded that he feels Chelsea are still some long way behind Jurgen Klopp and Pep Guardiola’s prevailing powers, whom he depicted as two of – if not the – best teams in the world.

Chelsea are currently serenely fourth in the Premier League – five points ahead of Manchester United and Wolves – they are nine behind Manchester City and somewhere in the range of 32 points shy of Liverpool.

MORE: Liverpool crowed Premier League champions after Chelsea win over Manchester City


Frank Lampard, who lifted the trophy multiple times as a Chelsea player, is certain that he recognizes what to do to change a top four side to one fit for vieing for the Premier League title.

He stated: There’s a reasonable hole and it won’t occur without any forethought with a couple of signings. There’s so many work that should be done.

Chelsea have a generally solid record against their rivals for the top four and got one of only a handful barely any teams to get one over Liverpool this year with their 2-0 win in the FA Cup 5th round.

In any case, they have dropped points in simply under portion of their Premier League trips, frequently because of defensive mistakes.

The Blues are still in with an opportunity of winning a trophy this season as they travel to Leicester City in for their FA Cup.

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