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Former Premier League star insist Arsenal new man is better that world cup winning defender




Arsenal are set to begin their Premier League campaign with a new backline that will be coordinated by Ben White who was brought in this summer transfer window.

Ben White joined Arsenal from Brighton and Hove in a £50million after an impressive season with the seagulls.

Former Premier League star, Shaun Wright-Phillips has now hailed Ben White ahead of his league debut by insisting that he is a better signing than Raphael Varane.

Raphael Varane joined Manchester United from Real Madrid this summer and might be forced to wait for his Premier League debut.

Wright-Phillips who was speaking to talkSPORT via Metro stated that one thing he thought Arsenal missed was a defender like Ben White,

According to Wright-Phillips, White’s got old an old-school mentality but he can play football as well.

When asked if White will do better at Arsenal than Varane at United, he noted that yes.


Wright Phillips added that he knows it’s a big statement, but White is used to the Premier League and he is used to defending a lot for Brighton, week in, week out.

However, Varane has come into a whole new league and he is going to put under immense pressure.

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