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Bayer Leverkusen playmaker sets time limit to determine future amid Chelsea move




Kai Havertz is allegedly interested to have his future settled this summer, regardless of whether a move doesn’t occur for him until next season.

The Germany playmaker is one of the most talented youngsters in world football right now, and has been emphatically connected as a target for Chelsea by Ivisionsport and others.

MORE: Frank Lampard dismiss selling Chelsea midfielder to finance Kai Havertz

Bayer Leverkusen star Kai Havertz could be perfect for the Blues to come in as a replacement for Eden Hazard, who left for Real Madrid the previous summer while the club were under a transfer ban so incapable to make the vital signings in attack to help adapt to his flight.

Recently from Ivisionsport states that Kai Havertz needs to settle on a choice over his future soon, proposing Chelsea and other intrigued clubs could concur a deal this summer before signing him next season.

Chelsea fans will definitely be glad to hang tight for this top talented youngster if they need to, however obviously they’ll also most likely need him to join as quickly as time permits so they can see him in real life.

Chelsea boss Frank Lampard has had a solid start to his developments for next season with recent signing of Timo Werner and Hakim Ziyech effectively wrapped up for the 2020/21 season.

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