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Former Chelsea star urges Osimhen to join Chelsea



Former Chelsea player Mikel Obi in a recent statement said the Blues are in need of a player like Victor Osimhen as they have not had one since Didier Drogba.

Mikel in a chat with Osimhen said he would be the agent to broker the deal that would see him switch from Italian club Napoli for Chelsea next season.

“Next season, I know you are gonna come to Chelsea man,” Mikel Obi told Osimhen on Obionepodcast.

“I am telling you, I’m gonna be the agent to broker that deal”.

“I’m gonna make sure that happens. We are crying out for someone like you — since Drogba left the club”.

Osimhen’s current deal with Napoli will expire in 2025 and the Nigerian star is yet to seal renewal of his deal.

There are speculations that Osimhen could leave the Italian league in the January transfer window and Chelsea, among other top European clubs, are on the lookout.


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