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Liverpool stops first team player from representing his country at Olympics



Premier League side Liverpool have stopped Mohamed Salah from representing Egypt at the Olympics game.

Salah has become one of Liverpool’s most priced assets ever since he joined the club from Roma, and they are not willing to joke with his fitness

The Egyptian was called to represent his country at this summer’s games in Tokyo, but Liverpool didn’t buy the idea when approached about it.

Egypt coach Shawky Gharib revealed this as he noted that he pleaded with Liverpool on numerous occasions to allow Salah, 29, to join up with his country but was still denied.

According to Ghariib, he tried many, many times with Liverpool, as did the Egypt FA, to persuade them to let Salah be a part of the Olympic team, but they refused utterly.

He noted that Salah wanted to play the Olympic Games, Tokyo 2020, as the star forward spoke with him, and he did his best to bring him.

Ghariib added that Salah was a key player in his Olympic plans, but the club refused, and all parties have moved on.


The Olympics is set to finish on August 8, six days before Liverpool begin their Premier League campaign away to newly-promoted Norwich City.

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