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Wenger hails Chelsea star for “qualities that nobody has”



Former Arsenal manager, Arsene Wenger has gone ahead to hail Chelsea’s forward, Olivier Giroud for his performance setting aside club loyalty.

Wenger stressed that Giroud at 34 showed qualities that nobody has.

This comes after Giroud’s recent performance in the Champions League during the week.

The France international netted four goals for the Blues in a game against Spanish giants Sevilla.

Wenger who signed his compatriot when he was the manager in 2012, paying £9.6million to prise him from Montpellier disclosed that he still has a lot to offer at Stamford Bridge.

“I said that many times as well [as in the Premier League] in the French national team there is always a debate about him,” Wenger told CBS Sports .

“But Olivier Giroud has – apart from his footballing qualities – he has an absolutely strong mentality and strong motivational level and has qualities that nobody else has.”


“He can always be a resource inside a club even when he doesn’t start the game and has an immaculate mentality.

“He is a real team player what is not always the case for strikers and overall I think he is an exceptional personality. And that’s why every time you think he’s disappeared, he bounces back.

“There’s no coincidence, he has over 100 caps for France. Nobody gives you 100 caps to please you.”

While Giroud is yet to start in the Premier League this season, his performance against Sevilla could see Lampard have a change of decision on starting him.

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